Friday, August 25, 2017

What Dreams We Have and How They Fly!

The Primary students started out the new school year by thinking about how they can make this the best year yet. We read this book and talked about our hopes and dreams for the coming year.

We also read a book called Dream that encourages people to dream---dream beyond what you already know and into what others think is impossible. People (and animals!) have been proving others wrong for thousands of years! 

(Below is a video of the book being read.)

To encourage students to reach higher and dream bigger, they traced their arms and decorated them. 

 We hung the arms on the door as if they are coming out of Hillel Academy to remind us each and every day that we can achieve the impossible if we reach high enough and dream big enough!

We also read a sweet book called Cloudette, in which a very small cloud feels she has a special gift to give the world but does not think she can do anything big and important because she is too small. Eventually, she solves her problem and realizes there are many good things a determined little cloud can do. 

The school-wide theme this year is, "What dreams we have and how they fly!" 
We have the students dreaming big dreams, but now it's time to figure out how to achieve them! 

The students thought of what they each might want to be when they grow up. Their career ideas stretched the gamut: animal rescuer, nurse, fireman/woman, dentist, dancer, doctor, teacher, American Ninja Warrior, etc. After each student decided on his/her goals, we discussed how to achieve them. 

What skills and habits do we need to practice now so we can achieve our dreams later?
Some of the ideas they came up with include: patience, doing the right thing, taking my time, doing my best, daily practice, reading, practicing math facts, getting to school on time, smiling, having fun, exploring, etc. 

On their hot air balloons, students attached words that describe their career goals and the skills and habits needed to achieve them. They decorated their balloons, cut out and attached a basket, and hopped in! 

This year is sure to be filled with not only dreaming big dreams but also learning what it takes to make those dreams  a reality!

1 comment:

  1. Love it. Thanks for sharing this. Reminds me to dream ; ) !!


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