Monday, September 12, 2016

Working in groups to learn about life cycles

We learned that each insect has a life cycle. They hatch from eggs,  then they go through a big change called metamorphosis in which they become something that looks quite different. 
The students were put into groups to learn about the life cycles of ladybugs, bees, praying mantises, and butterflies. Each group had a video to watch and nonfiction books to reference to become experts about their insect's life cycle. They used this information to draw each stage on their paper.

Then, each member of the group randomly chose one stage of the life cycle. They were responsible for using materials to create their stage on a small plate. Then the group members brought their stages together to create a poster of the life cycle. 

There was so much creativity!

Then, each group presented their life cycle posters to the class to teach about the insect they learned about.

Here are the finished posters!

In related news, our butterflies emerged from their chrysalises!  
Unfortunately, I couldn't get a clear photo of when they were still chrysalises because of the mesh netting around the enclosure. 

If you look at the white circle, there is a butterfly sitting on the cotton ball drinking the sugar water with it's proboscis

Here is a closer look at what our Painted Lady butterflies looked like.

Friday afternoon, we released our six butterflies in a bed of flowers outside the building next to the school. 

Some of them took a little more convincing than others, but eventually they all ventured out into the world!

After they all hatched, we got to get a closer look at the now-empty chrysalis shells! Very cool!

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