The last insect we learned about was probably the most peculiar: praying mantises! They get their name from the way they hold their front legs--they look like they are praying! We learned that those legs are covered in razors and used to snatch prey faster than the blink of an eye! Then, they use their strong mandibles, or mouth parts, to tear apart their prey. We were shocked to learn that they can eat prey up to three times their size...and sometimes the females will eat the males! Whoa, they are cannibals! Praying mantises can be nearly any color (even pink and purple!) making them masters of camouflage!
Students got to experience the world through compound eyes using these special glasses!
Then, students got to make their own praying mantises! First, they chose where in the mural they wanted theirs to be camouflaged. Then, they got their materials and got to work! Everyone was so busy (teachers included!), I didn't have a chance to snap a photo until the dust had settled.

Last week, we had some exciting news in our classroom. Our praying mantis egg sac hatched its first nymph!

As luck would have it, just a few days ago, one of our little entomologists happened to glance out the window and spotted an adult praying mantis stuck to the outside of the window! Of course, we all dropped what we were doing to observe this unexpected visitor!
As our insect unit was coming to an end, the students used what they learned to create their very own insects. First, they drew a plan for their insect. They needed to include three body parts, six legs, and antennae.


Now that we have all of this knowledge about why insects are so important, it's time to educate others about it! Students each wrote about one of the four insects we studied. They explained why that insect is important and what we can do to help protect them.
"Ladybugs are helpful because they eat aphids. We can help them by spraying water to give them a drink."
"Ladybugs eat aphids so don't hurt them."
"Praying mantises are important because they eat bad bugs. Do not smush it."
We love how our mural turned out!
And that's a wrap on our insect investigation!